
Leak Protection

Deepfake Protection

Brand Protection

DMCA Takedowns

Privacy Protection

for Content Creators

Ceartas keeps your content safe and your earnings safer with the world's most advanced automated piracy detection and takedowns.

Get Started
The Sidemen

378k Leaks Removed

21m subs on YouTube
Natalie Roush

3.6m Leaks Removed

1.4m Instagram Followers
Brittney Palmer

1.1m Leaks Removed

1.1m Instagram Followers
Shantal Monique️

1.6m Leaks removed


Official OnlyFans Partner in Safety


Always On Brand Protection.

With Ceartas, you'll never have to worry about leaks or copyright theft again. Every minute, our AI performs 120 hours of work, scanning millions of sites to catch leaks. Our AI sorts the real from the fake, protecting your content non-stop. Imagine 8,000 workers every day—that's our power, all from one powerful platform.

Get Started

We’re Making Headlines


Triple the Power, 99% Success Rate.

With a 99% success rate, Ceartas is recognized by Google as the industry leader in content protection, offering 3x the effectiveness of our competitors. Trusted by thousands of creators, we keep your digital work and earnings safe from pirates, making sure you're always protected.

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Deepfake Defense.

Our advanced AI vigilantly detects and removes deepfakes, safeguarding your likeness and persona from abuse, ensuring everyone sees only the real you.

Get Started

7 Days Free. Plans From $69. Cancel Anytime.

7 Day Free Trial, then from


per month

Get Protected
  • Anonymity
  • AI Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard
  • Anonymity
  • AI-Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard


Below you’ll find answers to our most widely asked questions!
Still have questions? Our support team is here to help!

7 Days Free. Plans From $69. Cancel Anytime.

7 Day Free Trial, then from


per month

Get Protected
  • Anonymity
  • AI Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard
  • Anonymity
  • AI-Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard

7 Days Free. Plans From $69. Cancel Anytime.

7 Day Free Trial, then from


per month

Get Protected
  • Anonymity
  • AI Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard
  • Anonymity
  • AI-Powered Leak Detection
  • Google Web & Image Search removals
  • At source DMCA takedowns
  • Real-Time Dashboard